Sunday, July 17, 2011

Shoshone Ice caves

We went to the Shoshone ice caves with my sister Ruth and her family. It was pretty neat...not quite as cool as the 1st time but still interesting! All the kids trying to ride the same dino! Back in the day it would have been able to hold them all I am sure!

Porter & Aleigha riding the turtle

Raygn catching a ride on the dinosaur

some important rules!!

the ice on the rocks

you can't really see the coolness of this but here the ice is 24ft. deep (I think!) it was pretty deep in places.

another tunnel that hasn't collapsed, it just isn't very deep like the other one.

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1 comment:

Stetzen&Brittney Bailey said...

How fun ! miss you guys looks like you are having a great summer!