Sunday, November 28, 2010
winter storms

We had a few days of bad weather, the kids got to stay home (no school) we were just hanging out. I had foot surgery so I was just trying to do as little as possible! I was feeding Rock, cutting a blanket I was making, Addie and Aleigha were doing my hair! It was just storming outside and we were warm and cozy inside!!
Aleigha and her "little" buddie
I am sad that I never took any pictures of Aleigha carrying her little buddie when he was a new born. The first day I brought him home he was sleeping on the couch in the living room and I was talking to our painter and here she comes with was a little scary!! It was common real soon, now he is almost as big as she is, but that doesn't stop her! She loves him sooooooo much. What good buddies they will be.

Porter's Nose!!
Porter came home from school one day and didn't say anything to me...he wanted to see if I noticed. (LOL) I didn't and he told me at lunch recess he was playing basketball and someone hit his nose. The elbow to his nose broke it and it bled, so he got some grass, wiped the blood off, held it up to his nose, stopped the bleeding and jumped back in the game!! His teacher didn't even know. When I called the Dr.'s office they asked me why I was barely calling them....I just found out! At parent teacher conference his teacher felt so bad, he doesn't have to be that tough!
Thursday, November 18, 2010
Rock's blessing

In his white clothes ready for his blessing.
A family picture
As close as we can come to a four generation picture- Me, Rock, My Grandma Hernandez, & my dad!
My dad
My dad got an award, The senior breeder award-from the Idaho Holstein Association. If you love cows and have registered Holsteins this is an awesome award!! My dad loves his cows and was pretty excited about this award.
Aleigha loves Rockwell and just because she is covering his face doesn't mean anything!! She was just petting him!!!

Ryan & Logan digging beets- these two can dig more beets in one day then almost any one around. The sugar factory asked them to dig early, early beets because they knew they dig so fast. (there were only 4 or 5 farmers even asked to dig then, they wanted to get the factory full and running)
Football & Volleyball
Porter #10 he got an award and on it, it said Porter "hit man" Robertson (he loved to hit and you could hear his hits too!

Porter #10 and his teams. He played on the school team and a pee-wee team. Both teams only lost one game (both on the same day, he had to go from one game over to the other one.) It was a lot of fun watching them play.

Addie #12 did so well this year. She got most improved at the sports Assembly they had. she is loving volleyball this year.
Wendell Rockwell

Here are a few pictures I had taken when he was just 3wks old! I thought she did a good job. She took all of them right in my living room! (she brought props with her)
Sunday, November 7, 2010

A few pics of Aleigha with her buddy!!...& his car seat, & her doll stroller ( he didn't like it too much)

work on the house...Mark was our bricker & Raygn loved to hang out with him...well he was Raygn's favorite but he would hang out with all the worker that came.
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