Monday, August 29, 2011


Addie pushed Aleigha's face in the jello-just for fun! Aleigha was laughing and thought it was fun:)

Good times!

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Dangerous cords!

I always have Rock in the bathroom with me when I am getting ready...well the other day he pulled the cord to the flat iron...

He moved and it got him a couple of times. He really didn't even cry that much. I put neosporine (sp) on it today and wrapped it because it is drying up & scabbing. He is so happy still! We sure love this little boy!

Does he look sad? love those blue eyes :)

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Porter gets his braces off!!

Porter got his braces off on the 24th! He had them on for a year & a half. His teeth look so good.

Drilling all the glue off his teeth!

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This is one of my favorite things that the girls do for mutual. They meet @ Kiwi Loco, then go to the humanitarian center tie quilts, sort tooth paste, stuff hygiene kits...what ever we can do for an hour & a half. Then they all go out to the D.I. floor and find a modest outfit -I do love finding something good at the D.I.!! The next week they are modeling what they found. :)

It is a mother/daughter activity too so all of us moms get to go!!

We finished two quilts

Addie learned how to tie a quilt! We stuffed all the hygiene kits (all 5 or 6 that needed fixed!)

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Sunday, August 21, 2011

Grain harvest 2011

Ryan is running the combine, so I have been taking him his lunch everyday and I have taken a few pictures!!

I like to get close with the combine and grain cart going at the same time.

the trucks lined up

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Two lonely beet diggers

one big baler waiting to get to work!

Logan fixing a baring on his trailer

the crop duster spraying the potato Field

you can see the tunnel that the spray makes behind the airplane

another one

Porter hauling the straw off the field

close up shot

the trailers

the straw waiting for Porter!!

the disk (in case of fire)

the baler

Matt unloading the grain cart

another shot

and another

one more

the trucks along the Field

the rows of straw waiting for the baler

Ryan in the combine. As of today-8/21/11 they have 800 acres left to harvest. More then half done!

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Swimm lessons




Aleigha with her teacher

Doing the back float

Raygn getting his private lesson!!

He passed!

He loves to flip off the diving board.

Waiting for her turn

putting her face in the water

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