Aleigha had swimming lessons in the pre-school class, she loved it! She will do monkey, airplane, rocket now in the tub & car! She got to have lessons with Carter,-which makes it so much better because she is so shy. The teachers would hold them both and try to get Carter to do stuff by showing him that Aleigha was doing it!!

Porter getting his swimming merit badge. The hardest requirement was jumping in with all his clothes on (socks, shoes, pants, belt, long sleeved shirt, and swim shorts underneath) taking his clothes off and making floatation devices out of them. He was pretty tired by the time he finally got it to work!

Raygn and Kyler had a teacher to themselves-well pretty much. (Porter was doing all the swimming requirements and another girl was testing to be a lifeguard.) Week 2 they had the teacher to themselves! The funniest thing was one day Heather & I were sitting in the shade watching them and I see Raygn dunk his teacher. Then she in turn, ducks Raygn and Kyler. I asked him about it and he said, "oh we do that everyday!" What a good teacher to put up with those boys!!
How funny (the dunking)!! Raygn is such a cutie!! When can he come spend a week with us!! :)
That is some good old fashion fun!!
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