Friday, May 14, 2010

Yard work...

I guess this is a different kind of yard work, we pushed & pulled out 12 BIG trees. We had 9 large popular trees and 7 large pine trees. (30 year old trees) It is sad to do but they would only be a couple feet from our house. Aleigha was worried about Grandma and that she was going to be sad. We let her know Grandma would be o.k. and happy!

Knocking the brick off the west side of the house where the addition will be. The hole for the is getting exciting now! Notice all the missing trees. The one lone pine on the end and we did get to keep 3 on the other end.

The kids watching the demolition of the trees.
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Kristy said...

So exciting!! It is going to be so nice!!

Jackson & Trish Whitehurst said...

Holy cow that is going to look so different!!!! but so much better for you guys!!!! And Aleigha is such a sweet girl :)

Colleen said...

Holy cow!! Where did the trees go? :) I'm so excited to see it all!!

jeff and char said...

i remember planting those tress and watering them every day!!!