Sunday, November 2, 2008

Fall leaves

Ryan and I were talking the other night and I told him I needed one of those leave blowers to blow all the leaves away from the house and around my fountain. He told me that they had one, they had just bought one this year to blow off the tractors! -This is not your usual leave blower...when I turned it on I had to hold on or it would fly up (like shooting a gun when it has a lot of kick and they say hold on tight) the 1st time I thought Ryan grabbed it and was pulling it up, nope just all the pressure! It can really blow the leaves away! When you are married to a farmer and bigger is can get a lot done! Ryan came home and blew out all the rain gutters for me. Porter was on the 4-wheeler with the leave sweeper and Raygn was on the lawn mower picking up all the leaves we blew away from the house. Addie was in cleaning the bathrooms and watching Aleigha. Thanks family
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jeff and char said...

wow, talk about working together, i love it when i can get my kids focused on a job! that is a serious leaf blower!

Nellie said...

Hey your family is keeping the Van Tassell tradition of work!! Hey I feel so bad my sweet nephew passed away and so we will be going to the funeral in Az. this week and so we will miss Alonzo's wedding. We were so looking forward to seeing all of you. Please tell everyone sorry and give our congratulations to Alonzo.

Jackson & Trish Whitehurst said...

Great teamwork! I can't wait to have children to help out with all those great fabulous chores of house and yard work! Maybe I should borrow yours for a few days!

Becky and Paul said...

it looked like ryan needed tohold on tighter than you minsy