This is my dad,
Aleigha, and I this summer.

My dad and all my siblings ~Ruth, Don, Viv, Dad,
Lonz(his wedding)Me, Kris, & Colleen -oldest to youngest!

Dad and his boys!

A picture of a picture! My mom and dad...years ago.
I LOVE my dad so much. He has been such a big part of my life. As a little girl I remember hauling hay with him, he would load the hay and I would climb up the hay stack. When he was done I would jump to him. I totally trusted him. Then sometimes he would let me sit on his lap and "drive" home. In 1982 I was 4 and my little sister Kristy and I were home alone (dad was milking and the other kids were at school,
Nik must have been with grandmother) and there was an earthquake, I ran to the window because I thought that our house had been moved just like on the Wizard of Oz and dad wouldn't be able to find us! When I was a
sophomore in high school I wasn't 16 and homecoming was coming up I talked my dad into coming to the dance with me. That was so fun, we went flying, played with
boomerangs, had dinner all over town, and danced at the dance! I need to find those pictures. I remember standing next to my dad in the pickup. When he was the bishop I would go sit on his lap up on the stand. ( I would always fall asleep and wake up on the floor) I think the thing that sticks out the most is my dad's testimony of the gospel. He made sure we had F.H.E. every week. Mostly on
Sunday because we were never there on
Mondays. He taught me the gospel and made sure that I always knew there was a way back. No one is ever to far gone to repent. He made it so I knew I will one day get to be with my mom again. He loves her so much and tells us what a great person she is, so when people tell me I am like her I know that is a pretty big
compliment. Dad I hope you had a great birthday, Love your BUG