Friday, September 25, 2009

Kitchen Harvest 2009

Our kind of harvest in the kitchen. Everyone helps! Aleigha squishing the peaches for jam.

Raygn bottled, he was so excited to do this.

Porter sliced & peeled, Addie washes all the jars & helped slice and peel.

I don't like to can without my kids, -there is so much work & they are good help. It is getting harder every year to wait for them to come home because they are involved in things so they don't always come home after school. I did half of my peaches without them one day and two days later they helped me finish...THANK YOU KIDS, I LOVE YOU!
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Aaron & Nancy said...

I love having my kids help and they are always so proud to eat something they have helped make! You're teaching them great skills, Mindy!

Colleen said...

How awesome Bug! I love all your great pictures! You have such GREAT kids! I love them TONS!! :) I can't wait to taste how well you guys did!! lol

Kristy said...

I guess I need to have move kids so I can have help for a long time!!! You're awesome!