Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Going for a swim !

O.k. there is a story with this picture! Viv, Hayley, Addie, and I were going to look for the hot pots, but we couldn't find them so we went and got Teresa to show us where they were. When she got in she asked us what we where going and we told her we were going swimming. She asked us if we were going to go skinny-dipping and we told her yes and would she like to come. She said sure! Remember we were kidding-We pull in to the parking lot and she said it was the rule that you honk and wait for the people in there to come out. They did and then instead of just looking we decided to really get in! We laughed so much and had a great time. As you can see the water was not clear-perfect for what we were doing! Very nice and sulfer smelling! Yes I did finally get Hayleys' hair wet.
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1 comment:

Jackson & Trish Whitehurst said...

scandalous Mindy! looks like fun though!